Friday, February 10, 2006

Lady Dilinger

Boy oh boy. I almost forgot about this picture.
I did this way back when for my mom.
I had been fooling around with water colors,
not knowing what to do with them really.
A friend was visiting one day (who by the way is a great artist),
and told me to just draw the picture I wanted and experiment.
I told my mom about the visit, and she asked me to
paint something for her. This is the result.

 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Crazy Hatter

Well here I am at long last, my own blog. whew!!!!
I was feeling a bit crazy on this day, in a hat made by a long time friend Sandy. Whom by the way has been into sewing. arts & crafts, drawing... well you name it and she has or could do it. Talent runs in her family.
Well now I have to get this thing started.
Wish me luck.
The Crazy Hatter Posted by Picasa


Tonniece's world is full of art