Tuesday, September 05, 2006

For you Luci

I am sitting at my computer thinking about Luci's fairy story, and I thought I would like to give her something in return. I remembered the picture on her blog, so I went there to look at it again. I thought to myself that it was such a nice surprise, and I was trying to think of something to surprise her.

SOOOOOOOO....... here it is.
As I've stated several times faces are hard for me, so I hope I captured your likeness Luci.
And I hope you like it. Posted by Picasa


Dianne said...

Hey Girl Friend..Mixed Media Arts

This really looks like our sweet friend Lucy, she is gonna love it.
love ya Di XXXOOO

platitudinal said...

*all teary*

Oh, oh, oh, Tonniece, I certainly did not expect this at all! Thank you so much :) (sniffs)
You did a marvelous job ... I can even say (without appearing conceited, since I'm merely praising your artistic prowess)that I look beautiful! Yes, with my lusciuos lips and luminous eyes framed by lush lashes ... oh, I can go on and on and on. :)
But, more than anything, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the sweetest and most loving gesture you've bestowed upon me.
Most sincerely & mushily, Luci :)

*My heart somersaulted when Dianne wrote me as "our sweet friend" ... I'm forever blessed to be counted as your friend.

Tonniece said...

Hi Luci

I am soo happy you like the picture. It was a pleasure to do it for you, and it seems a small gift to give you for all the Happy, Heartwarming, and wonderful stories that you give all who read your blog.

Of course MINE & DIANNE'S story is the very best. (wink)

Have a Great day


Tonniece said...


If you would like to have the picture contact me at tanderson16@cogeco.ca, and I could arrange to ship the picture to you.


platitudinal said...

Thank you, Tonniece :)

I'm e-mailing you right now!